Take a look at Configure printer discovery using DNS. Its called the PaperCut MF Client, and it displays costs associated with your print usage. If this is inaccessible, then make sure that the DNS records are set up properly. This tests to ensure that the pc-printer-discovery record is set up correctly in DNS. I havent got a test instance setup to try it but I cant see why not, bit messy and. What I would do is create my virtual queue everyone prints to, make said users release managers and then when you release the list of printers would come up. If this is inaccessible, then check the client DNS settings to confirm that the client pointing to the correct DNS server. Now in theory you wouldnt need one but I havent tried it. I can see you can manually add a PIN within the user settings but not bulk generate them. We were curious in how the PIN authentication works. Were looking at contracting out all the printers and papercut to an external company. This tests the same thing, but ensures that DNS is able to resolve the hostname of the Mobility Print server. Hi, We currently use Papercut Ng on site and authenticate users with active directory. If this is inaccessible, then it suggests that the client cannot access the port or IP of the Mobility Print server due to network configuration or firewall rules. The correct output is a list of printers, or a JSON file containing a list of printers. This tests that you can access the Mobility Print server over the network and that port 9163 is open. Try opening a web browser on a client, and make sure you can browse to each one of these URLs in the order provided: Check the client can connect to the Mobility Print server